Stripe Alternatives For SaaS Subscriptions

Stripe Alternatives For SaaS Subscriptions


Stripe has become the payment processor of choice for many SaaS companies, but it’s certainly not the only one out there. And while Stripe is great, there may be times when a different service will better suit your needs.

1. Braintree

Braintree is a payment processor that accepts credit cards, Apple Pay and other methods of payment. Braintree has a free plan (up to $50,000 in transaction volume per year) and paid plans starting at $29/month.

Braintree charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction made through their API or SDKs, which is slightly above the Stripe standard 2.9% plus 30¢ fee for all customers on the latest pricing page available.

2. PayPal

PayPal is a very popular payment gateway. It has a lot of features and is used by a lot of big companies, including Airbnb and Shopify. PayPal is easy to use, has good customer support, and has a good reputation for being reliable.

PayPal’s main drawback is that it doesn’t let you charge recurring payments or cancel subscriptions after the first billing cycle.

3. has many features that Stripe doesn’t have, including recurring payments and an API for retargeting customers with abandoned carts. provides a lot of documentation for its developers, including tutorials on how to use the platform as well as information about what you can do with it from your own website or mobile app.

4. Dwolla

Dwolla is a payment service that allows you to send and receive money. If you are looking for an alternative to Stripe and want something that is easy to use, Dwolla is a great choice. In addition, they have no setup fees or monthly subscription costs and they have no transaction fees on the first $10,000 in transactions per month.

Dwolla also offers additional features like real-time settlements, 24/7 fraud protection, bank deposits (withdrawals), risk management tools and support for multiple currencies

5) Adyen

Adyen is a Dutch company that provides payment processing services. They provide a single platform to process payments in over 200 countries. Their product focuses on eCommerce and subscription businesses, but they also have tools for brick-and-mortar businesses and recurring invoices.

They offer free trials for their merchants, so you can get started with them before making any commitments. Like Stripe, Adyen also doesn’t charge any monthly fees to use their service unless you need help from a customer success manager or account manager (you’ll be charged $100 per month).

6) Worldpay

Worldpay is a UK-based payment processor that has been in business since 2000. It offers a variety of different payment options, including credit and debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. Worldpay has over 100,000 customers across 120 countries and supports 30 currencies worldwide.

Worldpay also has offices in the US, UK and other countries so your subscription support questions can be answered by someone who speaks your language!

Worldpay is one of many companies that are members of the PCI Security Standards Council—an industry body that sets standards for data security practices for merchants who accept payments electronically (eCommerce businesses). They have information on their website about how to keep customer data safe when using their services

7) Skrill

Skrill is a payment processor that was founded in 2001, and it is part of the Paysafe Group. Skrill has over 20 million customers worldwide and supports 45 currencies supported by more than 2,000 businesses.

Skrill offers e-commerce solutions for payments and online money transfers, but it also provides an option for recurring billing subscriptions. Recurring billing can be set up by importing from an existing invoice or manually entering information about what your customer will pay per month or year. It’s really simple to set up a subscription using Skrill!

Stripe isn’t the only way to process payments for your SaaS product.

Stripe is a popular payment processor, but there are other options.

Stripe charges a flat rate of 2.9% per transaction and allows you to support up to 30% of users who don’t have a credit card on file with your service. If you offer more than one subscription level or charge for add-on resources, however, your fees will be higher. For example, if you charge $15 per month for an individual account and $30 per month for an enterprise account that includes additional storage space or other features, Stripe would take 4% plus 30¢ on the first tier and 4% plus 60¢ on the second tier—a total of 6%.


Hopefully, we’ve given you some ideas on ways to process payments and alternatives to Stripe. We understand that you might be hesitant to change your payment processing system and the time it will take to implement these new options into your business. However, it’s good to have options as terms can change at any moment and you may lose your accounts with no notice.