About SaaS Starters

What is this site?

It is a directory of SaaS Starters or SaaS Boilerplates. If you don’t know what a SaaS boilerplate is, you might want to read this guide to SaaS boilerplates which explains what they are, why they are useful and how you can go about choosing one.

How was this site created?

This data for this site came from from the popular awesome-saas-boilerplates Github repository—which is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive list of SaaS boilerplates out there. This site started as a wrapper around that list, though more and more manual curation has been added over time.

The content on the site was initially created programmatically. This includes the screenshots of the project websites, and the content—much of which was generated by AI.

After the initial data dump, I started a manual curation process—which I am only partway through.

For a boilerplate to be recommended means that it has been manually evaluated meets most or all of the following criteria:

  1. It is not brand new and is also still actively developed.
  2. It has many positive reviews on a trusted platform.
  3. It has high-quality documentation.
  4. The creator has demonstrated they are committed to the project.
  5. There are multiple real, quality apps that have been made with it by other people.

The recommendation process is completely manual, and if a boilerplate is “recommended” that means that a person evaluated the boilerplate with a close look.

Does the world really need another directory of SaaS boilerplates?

This is a fair question! There are lots of these directory sites already, so why build another one?

The short answer is that I thought I could do a better job than the existing sites—with more transparency as well as more effort in the curation process.

I hope that I have achieved that here, but yes, I acknowledge that creating this site is a bit like this XKCD comic.


Why isn’t my boilerplate here? Can you add it?

If your boilerplate isn’t here it likely means that it wasn’t listed on the awesome-saas-boilerplates repository at the time I imported it (most recently, May, 2024), or that it didn’t import cleanly—because your site was down or because your landing page isn’t scrapable with the tools I used.

The best way to add your boilerplate is to submit a pull request to the repo above, and it will be added the next time I run an import.