What's a SaaS anyway?

What's a SaaS anyway?


SaaS is an acronym for Software as a Service which is when you use cloud based services for your business functions like accounting/CRM/email/etc.

Easier for the business

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a modern way for organizations to publish business applications across the internet. With traditional on-premises business applications, software packages are installed locally on each user’s computer or device. SaaS takes advantage of the internet to deliver software applications, allowing users to run software from remote servers rather than the local device.

Easier for the customer

Because SaaS applications are centrally maintained, users benefit from easier application management and gain access to new features as they are added without having to perform a software upgrade. This can also reduce IT workload, because software patches and upgrades are performed by the vendor rather than at each customer site. Users often prefer SaaS applications because they can access them anywhere there is an internet connection and don’t need to install or maintain any special software on their own computers.

SaaS is a service that allows users to access applications over the internet from anywhere. SaaS is software that is centrally maintained, meaning users don’t need to install or maintain any special software on their own computers.


Although SaaS provides advantages over traditional business applications, it introduces new security challenges that must be managed. Because users are accessing information in the cloud rather than on their local computers, they can increase their organization’s risk by introducing malware and other threats onto corporate networks when accessing the internet from less-secured devices.

saas is an acronym for Software as a Service which is when you use cloud based services for your business functions like accounting/CRM/email/etc.

SaaS is a model for delivering software applications over the internet. It’s also known as Software as a Service, and it’s one of the most popular forms of cloud computing.


Rather than installing programs on your computer that you have to upgrade every few years (or even worse—having to pay someone else to do it). The SaaS model is more efficient because you don’t have to pay for hardware upgrades or maintenance fees when you use it; everything is taken care of by the provider. You simply pay them per month to access their platform and all its features! This can be very cost effective if your business has rapid growth plans or needs access at multiple locations right away without having go through IT procurement processes first.

SaaS is a great way to reduce costs, increase productivity and access your business data from anywhere. It’s important that you understand the security risks involved with using SaaS so that your organization can benefit from its advantages without compromising security.